Committed to Ecology and Sustainability

Club Akumal Caribe is a family-run business, founded by Paul Bush Romero. The Bush Family continues to operate the property and perform the important task of preserving local culture while promoting sustainable development in Akumal.
The Bush family is deeply involved in lobbying efforts at the public-policy level so that over development is avoided , and the area stays as much in it’s natural state as is possible. It is important to them that the growth that is being experienced in Akumal’s community and economy happens without destroying its ecosystem.

Our Attitude About the Environment
We consider it our obligation to protect and conserve nature, promote the efficient use of water resources and collect solid waste for recycling. We constantly monitor our practices and operation, while encouraging our suppliers, employees and guests to participate in our efforts. We respect the culture and traditions of local communities in all our activities.
We aim for guest satisfaction by providing a restful and relaxing environment while teaching visitors how to appreciate the uniqueness of their surroundings and beauty of local wildlife and flora.
As concerned human beings we aim to operate an ecological hotel being an example as pioneers of the destination of how success can also be achieved using sustainable business practices and an environmentally conscious outlook.
What We Do
The take-out food containers we use and are made of biodegradable materials from corn byproducts that break down easily and quickly compared to plastic or foam-based containers. We also avoid serving straws in our drinks to help protect the marine life of Akumal Bay. The herbs we grow organically in our aquaponics tanks produce wonderful smelling plants and nutritious vegetables filled with natural vitamins and free of pesticides. Try our house drink called “Holly Basil”. Once you try it you’ll want to taste this organic drink every day. It’s a refreshing beverage prepared with sweet basil grown naturally in our herb beds. We conserve water by carefully controlling its use for both cooking and cleaning purposes throughout the hotel. All our taps are equipped with water-saving devices that create pressure through the use of air bubbles. To further help conserve water many of our taps have automatic shut off devices that reduce or cut the flow after a set amount of time. One of our greatest priorities is the protection of water quality and sealife in Akumal Bay. Solid waste generated during operations is separated into three standard categories and disposed of in accordance with regulations issued by the Ministry of the Environment.
Our bungalows are built with material from the region, the design resembles a traditional palapa. We retain the original vegetation of the area and our construction maintains the original level of the ground that is in keeping with the main attraction of the Mexican Caribbean. Our walkways are made by hand using stones and remains of corals that through natural effects have come to the beach. We also employ a system to lessen the daily amount of linens that require laundering. By giving our guests the option to keep their sheets and linens for an extra day we reduce the amount of detergents and chemicals in the environment. The amenities we provide are handmade locally from biodegradable natural products. This helps us to achieve our goals of sustainability and community improvement while offering our guests exclusive personal care products made with the highest quality ingredients. All rooms are equipped with a water-saving tap nozzles and shower heads. These devices are designed to limit the flow of water while increasing its pressure through a system of air bubbles, making for a comfortable shower and reduced consumption.
We encourage guests to use the facilities for separating solid waste provided in each room. Unwanted materials are taken away every day and recycled. Guests are encouraged to keep the temperature in their rooms at a comfortable 23°C (73°F). This helps to reduce the overall use of electricity, further protecting the environment. The products used to clean rooms are environmentally friendly, labeled for correct application and equipped with an atomizer to dispense just the right amount. Product labels display user instruction and they are designed to be easily rinsed off to conserve water while cleaning. Our swimming pool is treated with natural salts to keep its water clean and healthy. Using this method for treating pool water avoids using large amounts of powerful chemicals that might end up in the Bay. The pool area has a small waterfall whose natural noise is soothing and creates a peaceful atmosphere. We’ve re-forested parts of the coastal dune with three species of endemic plants: bladder wrack, beach morning glory, and sea lily.
Akumal Bay is a public beach that daily receives a large number of visitors whose impact is significant, and it is also naturally subject to the effects of storm winds and hurricanes. These effects have eroded the coastal vegetation, causing beach erosion. The local community is actively involved in protecting sea turtles whose principal nesting ground in this region is in the bays of Akumal. The Hotel is located on the Mexican Caribbean coast, this location means that it is surrounded by a mix of jungle and littoral ecosystems. Signs throughout the property identify some of plants by their common and scientific names. There are also pictures that will help you to recognize the different marine species that live in Akumal Bay. Beachside bathrooms and water-saving showers will make your stay on the beach more comfortable. We provide biodegradable soap and change rooms.
Please remember:
Don’t waste water, use only what you need.
Do not tamper with the shower head.
Don’t leave trash behind in the shower area.
We have set up points where trash can be separated into three categories, offering visitors an opportunity help our conservation efforts by depositing their waste in different designated containers. As part of our commitment to the care and conservation of Akumal Bay, the Hotel has recycling points throughout the area from which waste is picked up daily. Materials are checked and again resorted if necessary before being taken to specialized companies for recycling. Club Akumal Caribe has its own treatment plant to handle wastewater generated during operation. We continually monitor the quality of water output being verified by companies recognized by the National Water Commission and Ministry of Health, which have permits for water quality analysis. We are below the allowable limits. We continuously encourage conservation of natural resources and positive environmental practices through programs that involve the community. With help from local authorities and civic groups we organize and take part in beach cleanups and public health efforts in town streets and parks.
Please do not leave any plastic, glass, Styrofoam or any other debris on our beautiful beaches! We appreciate you using biodegradable suntan lotion which can be purchased at Super Chomak.
Protecting sea turtles:
- Avoid making noise from 11 pm – 5 am.
- Keep the beaches dark—do not use flashlights.
- Do not build bonfires or use fireworks.
- Do not leave trash on the beach or in the ocean and pick up any trash you see.
If you see a turtle:
- Keep your distance.
- Do not impede her nesting process by blocking her path, getting too close or taking flash photography.
If you see hatchlings:
- Turn off lights (hatchlings go towards the light).
- Do not touch or handle the hatchlings in anyway. Please remember it is a federal offence to handle sea turtles without proper authorization.
- Contact security or reception to help in relaying immediate concerns.
- Please remember that handling sea turtles without the proper authorization is a federal offense.
Protecting coral reefs and marine life:
- Use biodegradable sunblock.
- Keep a 2-meter distance from corals and other marine species.
- Swim near marine creatures and corals, not over them. You reduce the risk of kicking corals and allow sea turtles to rise to the water’s surface to breathe.
- Keep your distance while any sea life is feeding.
- Harassing, touching or grabbing marine creatures is not allowed, your safety could be at risk.
- Touching corals may kill them.
- Do not touch, walk or stand on corals. Use life jackets.
- Akumal Bay is part of a fish refuge. Fishing within the bays and lagoons is illegal.
- Do not remove anything dead or alive from the sea, it is a federal offense.
Expedition Akumal aims to revive and restore local reefs via coral fragmentation and out planting. The project began by identifying strains of the more resilient reef building corals, primarily staghorn, and clipping fragments onto a nursery underwater. These coral buds will then be out planted on to the reef, which will not only provide new coral growth, but act as nurseries for reef fish which will help to replenish depleted fish stocks.
Together with the Centro Ecológico Akumal, Oceanus, A.C., and Akumal Dive Center, Club Akumal Caribe encourages visitors and locals alike to respect and protect the coral reefs of Akumal Bay. These initiatives are especially important in this area because they focus to a great extent on protecting staghorn coral, one of the main reef forming corals in the region that is presently threatened by climate change and human activity.
You can find how to help by visiting