Budha Gardens Spa has 4 different rooms offering a wide range of treatments and services. The Budha Spa Akumal Gardens is pleasing to the eye and soothing to the body. Walk into our garden sanctuary where you can leave all your troubles behind and luxuriate within.
Make it a spa day and have the staff order you something to drink or eat from the Lol-Ha special spa menu and enjoy it in the garden area at the center of the spa.

Spa Services
Reserve your treatments by calling
US: 011 ( 52) 1 984.745.4942
Dialing locally 984.745.4942
Visit us at www.budhagardenspa.com

Services and Packages
Recently relocated, Budha Gardens Spa now has 4 different rooms offering a wide range of treatments and services.
Make it a spa day and have the staff order you something to drink or eat from the Lol-Ha special spa menu and enjoy it in the garden area at the center of the spa.
Spa Packages
From time to time, we feature specials on our spa services. Check back soon. In addition, we’d love to plan a spa day for you. Massage in the morning, followed by a mani-pedi, lunch from Lol-Ha and then a facial? We can do that.